Archive for In The Beginning

Our New Logo.

Construction Is Starting.

This week sees the starting of construction of the wine racking systems for the storefront. Lumber was delivered and we spent the first day turning big sticks into little sticks.

The Lease Is Signed!

Another step in the adventure, the lease has been signed. We are currently slated for an October 1st. Cross your fingers.

Wine Rack Prototype.

Below is the first prototype for the wine racking for the store:

None of the sanding and finishing is done, and there are going to be more adjustments, but this is basically the style. Now all we need is a hundred plus linear feet of these.


The Space We Want.

Well, we finally got into the space that the wine shop is going into. Wow. Stacked floor to ceiling with “stuff”. One the upside, there is more storage room than we expected in the bathroom, which means room for the dishwasher in there as well.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes him to clear out the mess so we can get in, sanitize, and start building it out.

Moving Forward.

Yet another business card for our wallets:

Check out the website place holder at and click on the FaceBook like button so we can get a shorter URL for links. We need 25 unique likes! The logo still isn’t final for the vinyl (for the storefront), but since we have two wholesale wine tastings schedule over the next week plus, we need something to hand-out. And if you look closely, the 708 area code phone number could also be 708-FAT-VINO. Took me a while to find a seven letter phrase on Google Voice, and in the end, FAT-VINO just seems like too far out for the business card.

Storefront. Will This Be THE ONE.

More and more logo work for the wine shop – this time we are working with a mock-up of the store front that I had to Photoshop out a tree and a bus sign to get a feel for how it will actually work.

The cell phone shot:

With the tree and sign removed (and a Photoshop paint job on the sign area over the door):

And one of the proposed sign layouts:

Eventually there will also be a “blade” sign hanging from the sort of pinkish area.